A public information meeting was held Thursday, March 3, 2022 from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm at the Island Rec Center (20 Wilborn Road, Hilton Head Island). ALL meeting materials shown at the public information meeting are available for viewing on this webpage.
The purpose of the meeting WAs to:
Provide a project update
Demonstrate how your feedback was used to modify the Recommended Preferred Alternative presented at the Public Hearing last year (2021)
Ask for YOUR comments, feedback, and concerns!
We value your input. The official comment period ended on March 26, 2022.
Welcome to the US 278 Corridor Improvements Public Information Meeting. Beaufort County, in coordination with SCDOT, is proposing improvements to the US 278 corridor between Moss Creek Drive in Bluffton and Spanish Wells Road on Hilton Head Island. A Public Hearing was held in July of 2021 to present and receive feedback on the Recommended Preferred Alternative.
Following the Public Hearing, the project team evaluated all feedback received from the public, local governments, and federal and state agencies. At the third public information meeting, we presented the modifications to the Recommended Preferred Alternative based on the results of YOUR feedback.

Proposed Modifications
The most frequent concern received during the Public Hearing comment period was related to the removal of the left-turn lanes from US 278 at Squire Pope and Wild Horse/Spanish Wells Roads and introduction of a u-turn movement. As a result, the project team re-evaluated the performance of other intersection configurations and consulted with agency partners about the difference in traffic performance of those alternative configurations to see if there was another option that would better balance the congestion needs with community input to eliminate the u-turn movement. While the intersection improvements shown at the Public Hearing would perform better in 2045, modifications have been made to address local concerns.
Proposed Modifications Include:
Removing the Jenkins Road intersection and rerouting to C. Heinrichs Circle
Adding dual left turns from US 278 onto Squire Pope Road
Retaining left turns from US 278 at Wild Horse Road and adding dual left turns at Spanish Wells Road
Reducing the width of the inside 4 lanes between the Crazy Crab and Spanish Wells Road along the Stoney Community
Meander the westbound lanes of US 278 on Jenkins Island to create a parkway effect
Adding a scenic look-out point along the multi-use path over each creek
View Detailed Maps of the Proposed Modifications:
Map of Full Modified Preferred Alternative (Compare to Recommended Preferred Alternative 4A shown at the 2021 Public Hearing Here)
Map of Modified Preferred Alternative on Jenkins Island (Compare to Recommended Preferred Alternative 4A shown at the 2021 Public Hearing Here)
Map of Modified Preferred Alternative on Hilton Head Island (Compare to Recommended Preferred Alternative 4A shown at the 2021 Public Hearing Here)
Intersection Performance
It is estimated that in 2045 it would take approximately 71 seconds to travel along US 278 eastbound from Squire Pope Road to Spanish Wells Road during the morning rush hour with the new modifications. This would be slightly longer than the 63 seconds it would take with the improvements presented at the Public Hearing. In the evening, that same trip would be 63 seconds vs. 58 seconds, respectively.
Intersection Performance
How would the new intersection modifications perform in 2045 during rush hour?

Potential Impacts Comparison
Potential Impacts Comparison Matrix
How do the RPA 4A and the Modified Preferred Alternative Compare?
Right-of-way Impacts Comparison
How do right-of-way impacts within the Stoney Community Compare?
The official public comment period for this Public Information Meeting ended March 26, 2022. If you commented using the comment form, you will automatically be signed up for project alerts and newsletters.
Comments can also be emailed to info@scdot278corridor.com, or mailed to:
Craig Winn, PE, SCDOT Program Manager
c/o South Carolina Department of Transportation
Lowcountry Regional Production Group
955 Park Street, Room 401
Columbia, SC 29202-0191
NOTE: Information provided, including name and address, will be published and is subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act.