National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires agencies to consider impacts their projects may have on the environment for federal projects and to integrate the NEPA process with other environmental law compliance. In association with FHWA and Beaufort County, SCDOT is developing an Environmental Assessment (EA). The EA will include review of all proposed alternatives and will evaluate potential impacts to the natural and human environment. SCDOT will complete the EA process prior to acquiring any right-of-way or beginning construction for the proposed project. Efforts have been focused on community involvement and communication to ensure the successful development of the environmental process, this includes regular communication with major stakeholders such as the Town of Hilton Head Island. Due to the major roles state and federal resource agencies play, the project team will work closely with them in completing the environmental review process.
Where are we in the NEPA Process?
The project team has prepared the Environmental Assessment for review. The project team has gathered data and performed technical analysis to develop several roadway alternatives. Two public information meetings (September 27, 2018 and September 19, 2019) and one public hearing (July 22, 2021) were held to communicate the project objectives with the public and to gather comments and recommendations about the project, possible impacts, and potential solutions. A third public information meeting took place on March 3, 2022. Find the materials from previous public meetings, as well as information regarding upcoming public meetings, below.