Environmental Assessment (EA) 2024 Re-evaluation
As of September 2024, the re-evaluation of the Environmental Assessment for the US 278 Corridor Improvements project has been signed by the Federal Highway Administration. The re-evaluation covers the changes to the preferred alternative from July 2021 through 2024.
US 278 Corridor Improvements Environmental Assessment Re-evaluation uPDATES
Appendix A (Public Hearing Certification)
Appendix B (Traffic Tech Memo)
Appendix C (Stoney Traditional Cultural Property Section 4(f) de minimis; Cultural Resources Memorandum of Agreement; & Phase I Cultural Resources Survey Addendum)
Appendix D (Stoney Community Engagement Memo)
Appendix E (Visual Impact Assessment)
Appendix F (Noise Analysis Addendum)
Appendix G (Jurisdictional Determination)
Appendix H (Biological Evaluation Addendum & Essential Fish Habitat Addendum)
Appendix I (Public Information Meeting #3)
Appendix J (Stakeholder and Community Meetings)
Appendix K (Agency Comments)
Environmental Assessment (EA)
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to consider the impacts their projects may have on the environment and to integrate the NEPA process with other environmental law compliance. In association with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Beaufort County, the SCDOT has developed an Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with NEPA. The EA includes a review of all proposed alternatives and evaluates potential impacts to the natural and human environment. This EA is the culmination of technical studies and reports, interagency coordination, and community outreach and feedback. The EA documents the purpose and need for the project; presents a discussion of the alternatives and the analysis of them; describes the affected environment, assessment of the environmental, transportation, social, and economic impacts; identifies potential community enhancements; and presents a Recommended Preferred Alternative. It also incorporates analysis and feedback from public and agency sources gathered during the various phases of the EA development. We encourage you to explore the EA and its detailed appendices at the links below.
The Environmental Assessment (EA) was also available for review in hard copy at:
Hilton Head Island Branch Library (11 Beach City Rd, Hilton Head Island, SC 29926)
SCDOT District 6 Office (6355 Fain Blvd., Building A, N. Charleston, SC 29406)
SCDOT Headquarters (955 Park Street, Columbia, SC 29202) - To schedule an appointment, call 855-467-2368.
US 278 Corridor Improvements Environmental Assessment
Chapters 1 & 2 (Includes Cover, Table of Contents, and Commitments, Introduction & Purpose and Need)
Chapter 3 (Alternatives Analysis)
Chapter 4 (Existing Conditions and Environmental Consequences)
Chapter 5 (Navigation)
Chapter 6 (Agency Coordination and Public Involvement)
Appendix A (Agency Coordination Plan)
Appendix B: Phase I Traffic Report, Traffic Report Appendices
Appendix C (Traffic Technical Memorandums: Reversible Lane Analysis and Alternative Intersection Analyses)
Appendix D (Community Impact Assessment, Visual Impact Assessment, Relocation Impact Study)
Appendix E (Environmental Justice Analysis)
Appendix F (Noise Analysis Report)
Appendix G (Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination)
Appendix H (Essential Fish Habitat Technical Memorandum)
Appendix I (SCDOT Bridge Replacement Scoping Trip Risk Assessment Form, Floodplains Checklist, 2-D Hydraulic Analysis)
Appendix J (Biological Evaluation)
Appendix K (Marine Mammal Protection Act Technical Memorandum)
Appendix L: Part One, Part Two (Cultural Resources Survey and Section 106 Consultation)
Appendix M (Traditional Cultural Property Report)
Appendix N (Cultural Resources Memorandum of Agreement)
Appendix O (Section 4(f) Coordination)
Appendix P: Part One, Part Two, Part Three (Hazardous Materials Phase I Environmental Site Assessment)
Appendix Q (QUS Coast Guard Navigation Report)
Appendix R: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five (Public Information Meeting Plans and Summaries)
Appendix S (Website)
Appendix T (Newsletters)
Appendix U: Part One, Part Two (Community Meeting Plans and Summaries)
Appendix V: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four (Stakeholder Meeting Plans and Summaries)